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10 months in South America


Posted by Silvio1973 on Aug 1, 2006
Page Views: 660

Activity Details

Dates: Sep 20, 2006 through Jul 31, 2007
Location: Argentina
City or Place: Argentina
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am going to travel and climb across South America for about ten months, exactly from the 20th September 2006 untill the end of July 2007.

Rough schedule is (detailed plan with description of peaks and routes will be sent on request).

Ecuador: 20th September - 20th October
North Argentina: 20th October - 15th November
Central Argentina and Chile (Lake district): 15th November - 20th December
Patagonia: 20th December - 20th February
High Andes (not Aconcagua): 1st - 31st March
Bolivia: 1st April - 10th June
Peru: 10th June - end July

The idea is to follow the pattern of the best climbing season in the continent of course minimising the logistic costs. It is expected to use private transportation and pack animals were available and necessary but no private guiding. The budget is expected to be in the range of 40-50 USD/day (depending on the country).
There is a full range of mountains in the last, from easy strolls in Ecuador to 10-12 days expeditions in Argentina and Bolivia.

The ideal partners should be available at least three weeks and have the followings skills and experiences:

- Climbing ability around AD (French grade 5a, Britidh HVS, US 5.10, ice up to 55 degree);
- Crevasse rescue knowledge;
- Ability to camp and bivy at over 5,500 m (18-000 feet) in adverse weather conditions;
- Have good character and be easygoing.


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