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3 days, 3 Yosemite summits in snow and ice


Posted by damntall on Jun 18, 2010
Page Views: 355

Activity Details

Date: On Jun 26, 2010
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Yosemite Village
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Need Partners


Looking for a partner (or three) to join me in Yosemite June 26-29 while there's still snow to be had! I originally had a trip planned with some friends, but when they learned today that there was still lots of snow above 7000 feet and it required snowshoes or more winter camping technique, they all bailed. I'm the only one of the group with the gear and interest to do it anyway, and I PREFER the snow, so I figured I'd post here to see if I could find some other people that were interested in going along and getting to know each other. That would be SUPER COOL.

The original idea was 30-ish miles, 3 days. The Saturday the 26th we'd drive to the park and stay overnight in the valley, then grab a ride up to Tuolumne Meadows and head out from there the next morning). Over the next three days, we'd summit Cathedral Peak, Cloud's Rest and Half Dome mostly in snowshoes, maybe some crampons or ice axes, and some minimal winter camping and rock scrambling skills. Then head back the evening of Tue the 29th.

About me: I just returned from my first time at serious mountaineering: 10 days in the Alaska Range training, climbing glaciers, ice walls, and big mountain summits. Naturally, I'm looking to hone my rope, anchor, and belay skills, though I already have a fair amount of that under my belt after Alaska. I'm all about safety, and I'm looking for someone reliable and cooool as well.
Anyway, hit me up if you're interested.


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