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Aconcagua Dec/Jan


Posted by jvonrueden on Oct 3, 2013
Page Views: 1097

Activity Details

Dates: Dec 15, 2013 through Jan 15, 2014
Location: Argentina
City or Place: Cerro Aconcagua
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


Updated 10/20

mtvalley and I are planning a trip to Aconcagua this Dec/January.

We're looking for a third person. We're aiming to climb the Polish Direct, with plan B being the Polish Traverse if conditions are bad. Our dates are not set yet but will fall between December 15th and January 15th.

About you: You've spent some time walking and climbing up big snowy things. You know how to cope with being tent bound when its been 2 weeks since your partner's last shower. You're not afraid of suffering, but you're not wreckless and keep a cool head when shit hits the fan. You have a large collection of lies and stories to tell when in above tent-bound situation.

About me: I'm a 22 year old student from Wisconsin. I work as a dispatcher for a contruction/trucking company and moonlight with a local EMS service. When avoiding work, studying, and sleeping I'm trail running, or rock climbing.
My past altitude and expedition experience includes a 2 month glacier mountaineering/backpacking trek in 2011, Pico de Orizaba in 2012, and Denali this past June. I also have my AVI-1, am an EMT, and capable of producing calzones and cinnamon rolls on white gas stoves at 14k. My Spanish is pretty decent.

Shoot me a message if you're interested.


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