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Climb the tops of Europe


Posted by jonah.bandy on Dec 24, 2017
Page Views: 782

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Germany
City or Place: Kyllburg
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hey guys I am new to this site and really to the whole mountaineering experience. Since I was younger I have always been going on long hikes. This past year I have done 3 ruck marches (I always make it a race) here in Europe over 20 miles each completing in less than 8 hours carrying over 20 kg. Now that the ruck season is over and I am getting tired of walking on semi flat ground, I have picked up mountaineering. Having no idea how to safely ascend even just a 2000m mountain, I took to the internet. Well I decided that I am going to try my best to climb each European country’s highest peaks by May 2019. Typically I am not a social guy but after attempting to climb Zugspitze twice now during the winter (Via Hollental Valley) and coming up short both times, I need to find a more experienced or at least a very motivated person that can give me some crucial advice on the matter and maybe even a climbing partner or two. I am a 23 year old American living in Germany, extremely motivated, just inexperienced.

Now to my plans for this summer (May-October). I obviously want to start by completing the climb on Zugspitze first and foremost. After that I want to hit Mont Blanc, Rysy, Snežka, Gerlachosky stit, Triglav, Grosslockner, Grauspitz, Dufourspitz, Mulhacén. Most of the peaks I can do on short weekend trips because I live about 30 minutes east of Luxembourg in Germany. I am also planning a pretty extensive trip to accomplish the climbs on Mount Olympus, Mount Korab, Deravica, Maja Kolata, Maglić, Midzor, and Musala from mid July to the beginning of August.

Thank you guys for your time and I am extremely excited to begin this journey.


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RFandosAugust for Swiss and French Alps
Hi Jonah,
I'll be heading to the Swiss and French Alps this August. My plan is to do some easy 4000s (Breithorn, Allalinhorn, Lagginhorn and Weissmies) and then go to Mont Blanc via Gouter. If you're interested let me know.
Posted Apr 3, 2018 10:00 am

travissgEurope high points


I am also slowly working on Europe mountains
I was not able to do Austria because I thought that would be best with a partner. I have done them all solo so far but would be interested in joining for harder summits if you are still looking. I got a bit side tracked working on African mountains and I still have more in the US.
Posted Feb 8, 2020 11:57 am

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