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Mokelumne Wilderness Backpacking


Posted by kitcarson61 on Jan 9, 2010
Page Views: 841

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Mokelumne Peak
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Other
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


I'm looking for potential backpacking partners for trips into, around and through the Mokelumne Wilderness, Desolation Wilderness, etc. Present partners and myself can't always get it together and I'm just not getting into the backcountry nearly often enough. Being self employed means that scheduling for me is rarely a problem. (Sometimes, but not often.) Peak bagging is a plus if it can be done just scrambling without equipment as I'm no rock climber. Now, if there's some fishing involved... I'm all over that.
My sanity requires a couple of snowshoe trips a year as well as at least a couple of dozen spring through fall nights in the wilderness. Fair or foul weather isn't much of a problem. Snow is of course preferred to rain regardless of the season, but rainy weather trips have their own brand of fun, too.
I'm basically ready for nearly anything, nearly any time. Get in touch and we'll discuss it.

Since this was last edited, a much greater portion of the Moke Wilderness has become familiar. What a beautiful area! Let me know what you want to see, I'd love to go back!


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