Ghiacciao del Laveciau Climber's Log

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John Climber

John Climber - Jul 26, 2013 1:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2013

In good company of friends  Sucess!

Starting from Rif. Chabod. Very good conditions on the glacier (hard snow on ascend) but a very tricky crevasse around 3.500 m of altitude. Thank you to Antonio, María, J.Miguel and Juan Carlos!


Branko - Aug 17, 2010 8:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2010

From VE II  Sucess!

My climbing partner Kristina and myself (leading) have started at 05.30 hrs from the refuge VE II. The weather conditions were not so good...all the way to the summit we had low visibility, lot of clouds, wind and snowfall. At about 11.00 hrs we reached the summit and we had luck to be the first one on that day. Unfortunatelly we didn't see anything from the top. Nevertheless this was a great experience and nice tour! We returned to the hut at about 16.30 hrs.


Ario - Mar 11, 2006 3:41 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2004

From VE II  Sucess!

Bad conditions on the Normal Route forced the climbers @ Refugio Vittorio Emanuele II to cross the moraine and switch to Ghiacciao del Laveciau route. Didier and I sharing leadership reached both the traditional (Madonna) and the actual summit (farther on the ridge).


Ario - Mar 11, 2006 3:33 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2003

From Chabot  Sucess!

In a day of perfect weather , Reza and I (leading) were the last ones to leave "Refuge Chabot" and last party to summit that day (some people following us from the Normal Route finally turned around). We were down to Refugio VE II only at 18h30... This was Reza's first alpine climb and he appreciated the combination of glacier travel and rock scramble of the summit.

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