Guadalupe Peak Climber's Log

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SEmplejm - Jun 18, 2018 10:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2018

Texas is beautiful?  Sucess!

5 of is summited Guadalupe Peak. Great friends (Bruce, Scott, James ans Joel) and lots of laughing made this trip incredible. Pine Springs campground was quiet and the stars were amazing! I planned a family road trip this summer and we are definitely hitting as many high points as we can!


marciamallow - May 26, 2018 1:48 pm Date Climbed: Apr 19, 2014

HP #24  Sucess!

The hike was great but it poured rain near the top then the sun came out just in time for a summit photo...Must see Carlsbad Caverns nearby! I remember gas and lodging were scarce...

triviasteve - Apr 26, 2018 7:40 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2015

done on second attempt  Sucess!

took me a little longer to get there than i had anticipated. started the hike, and realized about an hour into it, that i wasn't going to be able to get to the summit and out before dark. thought the best of it, and ended up going up to carlsbad caverns. woke up early the next day and got an early start. made it to the summit and stayed for about an hour. glorious views!


Joelam - Apr 15, 2018 11:43 am Date Climbed: Nov 1, 1998

Guadalupe Peak #1  Sucess!

This was my first state summit at the age of 8. Looking back years later, this helped me find purpose in continuing to climb, hike, and get out there in general.

Jerry L

Jerry L - Apr 6, 2018 5:58 pm Date Climbed: Apr 6, 2018

Done  Sucess!

Nice hike....4 hours 7 minutes roundtrip.....kicked my butt.

HikerHel - Mar 31, 2018 12:49 pm Date Climbed: Nov 8, 2013

Highpoint #1  Sucess!

I've been bitten by the highpointing bug ... first one down 49 to go.

eagle101310 - Mar 30, 2018 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Mar 27, 2018

Windy but worth it  Sucess!

Great climb. Good trail. Get there and do it.


NonaRider - Mar 29, 2018 10:55 am Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2010

Peak #14 [NonaRider]  Sucess!

[Date Approximate]


nader - Mar 7, 2018 2:39 am Date Climbed: Feb 25, 2018

Guadalupe Peak and Devils Hall  Sucess!

Windy, see trip report.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Feb 2, 2018 12:07 pm Date Climbed: Nov 24, 2016

Standard  Sucess!



IronHiker - Jan 18, 2018 11:47 am Date Climbed: Dec 30, 2017

Sunrise ascent  Sucess!

Solo. Ascended in the dark for sunrise on the summit. Awesome summit shadow. Met some kind of baby feline on the trail, but could not make out more than ears and eyeshine before it left. Also met a majestic buck near the bottom of the trail on the way down. Sublime.


kcoakley - Jul 22, 2017 11:41 am

Guadalupe + El Capitan  Sucess!

For the crazy adventurer, I highly recommend the bushwhack adventure to El Cap.


mountaineergirl_82 - Apr 8, 2017 6:53 pm Date Climbed: Jan 20, 2017

Made it around that corner!   Sucess!

Climbed this solo, not prepared for the sheets of ice at the top! There was one drop off/cliff/corner part where I actually thought I was going to die... but didn't! It was a very fun climb. Left a little too late in the day and ended up descending in the dark. It all turned out well.


Tonka - Jan 10, 2017 1:34 pm Date Climbed: Dec 20, 2016

Big Views in a big state.  Sucess!

We got lucky with a beautiful day, temps in the 50's with very little wind.


IagosGhost - Jan 9, 2017 10:46 am Date Climbed: Dec 28, 2016

Great Hike!  Sucess!

This was an amazing hike with two of my kids. It was my 12th high point and the 11th and 7th high point for my son and daughter respectively. This is my favorite high point so far!

In Memoriam
Captain Jennifer M. Foy
May 29, 1980 - December 17, 2016
Two weeks before this trip, I received news that an OCS classmate had been killed in cowardly act of domestic violence. The perpetrator, an ex boyfriend and fellow soldier, then turned the gun on himself. It was a shock and a tragedy. She was always positive, and she uplifted those around her. During the hardest times of Officer Candidate School her strength and fun attitude helped all of us get through. Her funeral was the day before we climbed. I climbed to honor her memory and to raise awareness of domestic violence. I paid my respects for her on the summit by writing a short note in the summit register before we descended. Rest in peace, Jen.


JenEss - Dec 26, 2016 7:21 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2016

#3  Sucess!

Guadalupe was quite something, very doable but kicked our butts. We started out in the late morning and it was quite warm. We huffed and puffed all the way up a million rocks and switchbacks to that dang false summit, and I kept trying to tell my hiking partner that I didn't think that was the top because I had read about a false summit, but it was like a mirage in the desert to him and he was pretty bummed out when he saw that it really wasn't the summit. Knowing how long the trail is in your head and knowing how long it is in your feet are two very different things! When we finally reached the summit, it was very windy and the clothing that we had on that was appropriate for the rest of the trail was not doing us any favors at the top. The day was sunny and the view was gorgeous though, definitely worth the work! I wish we would have had hiking poles for the hike down, but we made it down without them and then treated ourselves to some ice cream in Carlsbad.


Basham - Sep 13, 2016 2:28 am Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2016

my first highpoint   Sucess!

This is my first time doing a hike of this length and prominence. It was really new and exciting for me. Will definitely do more.

jakegarber - Sep 8, 2016 9:52 pm Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2016

Great!  Sucess!

Also did El Capitan


larvitar - Sep 4, 2016 2:41 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2016

Larvitour Stop #37  Sucess!

Camped at Pine Springs the night before, then woke at sunrise and started up the mountain around 7 am. Despite an unseemly number of picture-breaks (these hills are so different from any mountains I've seen before), I arrived at the summit three hours later. Lingered for a while to bask in the view, then hiked down again, arriving at the trailhead shortly after noon. I passed a surprising number of groups on the way up... why hike through the afternoon heat if you can avoid it?


patascent - Jul 1, 2016 6:28 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2016

Sunrise and Moon set  Sucess!

Beautiful sunrise on Guadalupe. Started walking from Pine Springs Campground at 5:15 am and made it to the summit at 7:55. Nice cool temperature and a refreshing breeze made it perfect climb. Lots of wildlife too. My 16th state high point (5th in the last 6 days), and Chris's 6th. Started in Idaho Falls Friday and drove to Nebraska. Stopped in Kansas at Mt. Sunflower on Saturday and did Black Mesa in Oklahoma later that day. Spent a rest day in Taos New Mexico and climbed Mt. Wheeler on Monday. Tuesday spent at Carlsbad caverns and drove to Texas early Wednesday (today). Back to Taos this evening. What a fun road trip.

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