Mount Rainier Climber's Log

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Kerstin - Sep 28, 2005 1:11 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 21, 1986  Sucess!

We arrived in Paradise on the 19th and decided on a spur-of-the-moment climb. The same day we headed up and camped on the snowfield after the big warning sign. The next day we headed up to Camp Muir. At 1:30am on the 21st we set out for the summit. I remember being very nervous. It was my first time on a heavily glaciated mountain and my first time above 11,000 feet. As we approached the top of the Cleaver, our flashlight's bulb burned out. Luckily there was a big moon to light the rest of the way. We made it to the top just after dawn. There was no wind or clouds and there were supremely great views. On the descent, coming around the base of the Cleaver, we had to run over verglassed pumice to escape heavy rockfall--it was a terrifying close call. All in all, a great experience but draining due to the dangerous conditions.


CBakwin - Sep 22, 2005 1:27 am

Route Climbed: DC Date Climbed: September 21, 2005  Sucess!

I was up on the mountain in early July, on the Emmons route and tried to summit twice, once turned back when some in our group got cold, then with another group we were turned back by high winds at 12, 800'. Back to the mountain solo in September, I hooked up with another guy out of Muir but he turned back after the cleaver, I continued on to the crater alone. Again, about 65 mph winds up there. Great Mountain, will be back!


ridgeline - Sep 15, 2005 11:36 pm

Route Climbed: climbed DC Date Climbed: September 7 2005  Sucess!

Perfect weather, with a great bunch of climbers, this was a benefit climb for Big City Mountaineers. Ten on the summit at 7am, five hours from Camp Muir to the top.


SkydiveKen - Sep 7, 2005 11:34 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: September 5, 2005  Sucess!

Left camp Muir at 2am and topped DC to see the most beautiful sunrise. A snow bridge just above it had collapsed and we had to step over about 4 feet. We returned down the Emmonds and cut across the bottom of the cleaver. Absolute perfect weather no wind and a few wisps of clouds.


tdoughty - Sep 4, 2005 9:52 pm

Route Climbed: Kautz Glacier Date Climbed: July 1997  Sucess!

Approach in clouds using compass and altimeter. Long summit day, but well worth it. Climbed with my Bro-in-Law, Craig Sanford. My boots were to small and the descent smashed my toes...numb for months!

dicey - Sep 4, 2005 1:59 pm

Route Climbed: Emmons, Kautz Date Climbed: July 1999, July 2004  Sucess!



thundercloud - Aug 26, 2005 1:35 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 21, 2005  Sucess!

Climbed with Brian Jenkins and dkantola. Boot track route in good shape. Winds picked up for final 1500 feet to summit, and were very fierce. Fun climb though, and DC route is a little more interesting IMO than the Emmons. Be sure to bring your sleeping bag, lol, and prepare for lots of flying grit at camp when the winds pick up!

Woodie Hopper

Woodie Hopper - Aug 25, 2005 9:55 am

Route Climbed: DC with RMI Date Climbed: 8/18/05  Sucess!

Rain to Camp Muir, but otherwise perfect. I would recommend using RMI for this mountain to anyone, my guides were great. Great hike!


BostonPete - Aug 24, 2005 3:55 pm

Route Climbed: DC Date Climbed: August 20, 2005  Sucess!

Great climb in full moon with fantastic new friends from summitpost.


smudge - Aug 23, 2005 10:47 am

Route Climbed: DC Date Climbed: August 17, 2005

Made it to 12,400 and got hit with a very unpleasant freezing rain/ice storm, which turned to snow. Very strong winds and very cold above 11,500. Great mountain!!

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Aug 22, 2005 11:47 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 21, 2005  Sucess!

After failing on an attempt of Ingraham Direct in February, finally was able to tick this one off. Climbed with thundercloud and dkantola. Thinking it would be warmer at Muir, I only took a bivy sack and no sleeping bag. Bad idea, was very windy. Froze and got no sleep. Thermarest pad deflated too. Laid there with the rope wrapped around my legs trying to keep warm.

Anyway, we started about 1:45 am and got up quickly to Ingraham Flats. The Cleaver is a rotting mess but we scrambled up it and then around lots of crevasses on the glacier. Winds got pretty heavy near the top, on the summit we could lean into it and it would hold us up. Glad to get this one done. Now only Glacier Peak and Garibaldi to do to complete the Cascades.......

drewdaly - Aug 22, 2005 4:12 am

Route Climbed: Kautz Glacier Date Climbed: August 19, 2005  Sucess!

Great climb away from the crowds. 2 fun ice pitch between 40 and 60 degrees. We carried our gear over and went down DC, which was a highway but made it a faster descent.

Wade Baker

Wade Baker - Aug 22, 2005 12:17 am

Route Climbed: Kautz - RMI 6-Day Expedition Seminar Date Climbed: July 16-22, 2005  Sucess!

This was my first snow and ice climb ever and I am grateful to have reached Rainier's summit by this incredible route. We stood on top of Columbia Crest around 8:00 am Thursday July 21. Conditions were wondeful until we hiked out the last day in the rain. We had no injuries or accidents and everyone got along marvelously. Our guides were great, the food was delicious and the service and hospitality was world-class. I look forward to other similar adventures and hope to cross paths with these fine folks again.

Pawel Krol

Pawel Krol - Aug 22, 2005 12:15 am

Route Climbed: W-E Date Climbed: july 2005  Sucess!

Went up to 3200m, had injury on ice. Slow went down. Next time


mountainjunkie - Aug 18, 2005 3:47 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: 7/27/05  Sucess!

We had great weather, which made for a wonderful climb. The route had a lot of open crevasses this year, with a lot of great views down into some. Took an extra day at Muir to rappel down into a couple of crevasses which was a great experience. I love this mountain!

POWERJL - Aug 18, 2005 10:19 am

Route Climbed: Ingrahm Direct via Muir Date Climbed: August, 1999  Sucess!

Some friends wanted to climb Rainier via the 'I-5' route. Since I had never been up this way, I thought I'd give it a try. Rainier is always a great climb, and dodging the RMI groups was fun, but there are just simply too many folks on this route!

POWERJL - Aug 18, 2005 10:15 am

Route Climbed: Emmons / Winthrop Date Climbed: August 14, 1997  Sucess!

Inter to Emmons / Winthrophis is my favorite route up. From Schurman, in the evening, the view is spetacular as the sun sets over Puget Sound and the Olympics.

This make No. 5 on top for me!


charles97 - Aug 17, 2005 2:56 pm

Route Climbed: Ingraham Direct Date Climbed: June 23, 2005  Sucess!

First glacier ascent, and proud to say without help from RMI. Went up to Camp Muir in complete white-out, which was good in a way because I can't imagine how demoralizing it must be to go up the snowfield when you can actually see how far you'd have to go.

Stayed in the public shelter overnight and headed for summit at 2:30 am. Second day was completely clear and sunny. Gorgeous weather, except for the 30+ mph wind during the last 1.5 hours before reaching summit. Came down too late. Snow was melting out big time! Mad dash for Muir from the summit, and reached Muir around 4 pm.

Post-holing in thigh deep snow all the way down the snowfield, which sucked big time. I was really glad to get to solid ground after Pebble Creek. Back to bottom before 8 pm. 24 hours of hiking in 36 hours.


Chamilton - Aug 15, 2005 4:55 pm

Route Climbed: Dissapointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 12th 2005  Sucess!

Fantastic but tough trip wth RMI. Was privilaged to be on Win Wittaker's rope team. Left Camp Muir at 1am, and reached summit at 6.28. Fog on the way up and bright blue skies on the way down. Brutal pace down saw us at Paradise for 2pm. Great Trip.

Gig Wheaton - Aug 9, 2005 7:34 pm

Route Climbed: DC Date Climbed: Aug 3 2005  Sucess!

first cascade for this new englander - great mountain - tough mountain - we had great weather. have to says thanks to rmi for grooming this route even though we didn't go with them

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