2020 Mont Velan Western & Southwestern Faces

2020 Mont Velan Western & Southwestern Faces

Mont Velan (3734m) Western & Southwestern Faces.


From left or North:
North-northwest Ridge from Col Tseudet (in fuchsia); variant on Southwest Rib to Dents de Proz (in yellow); first couloir or Norther Couloir even "Ypsilon Gully" (in azur) with basal variant of right (in orange); second Central Couloir or "Asdrubal Couloir" (in green); third "Ypsilon Couloir" also "Hannibal Couloir" (in violet) preceding the homonym or Western Crest (not marked in photo).


From the center or Northwest:
Southwestern Slope (in purple, ITALIAN SKI-MOUNTAINEERING VIA); by a unique track for the two glacial route of 1970 and 1973 (in red); Northwest Wall of Quota 3708 meters (in blue); Variant through the Western Wall of Quota 3708 meters (in orangered); Southwestern Channel of 1872 from the carving near Quota 3708 meters (in springgreen; in descent, but herer traced in ascent); Southwestern Rib of 1902 to the Quota 3650 meters (in forestgreen); Southwestern Face of 1973 from Quota 3650 meters (in pink; downhill, but even this here traced uphill); South-southwestern Ridge (in deepskyblue) with more in bottom the integral Variant.
on Jan 16, 2020 2:25 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 1048469


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