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high_octane - May 5, 2006 9:36 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Spaces, please?

sorry about that, if this isn't better tell me and i'll fix it again

Jeroen Vels

Jeroen Vels - May 9, 2006 11:09 am - Hasn't voted

Very usefull

I love the Thanks for sharing.


high_octane - May 9, 2006 7:09 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Very usefull

No problem, glad I could be of help to you.


JasonH - May 12, 2006 12:12 am - Voted 9/10

Good artical

My buddy and I were on the John Muir Trail last summer. And we got a chuckle every time we saw someone with their 50 pound pack with a folding chair straped to the side of it. They would always say "How much father to......".


high_octane - May 13, 2006 10:43 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Good artical

thanks for the comment. this article hits close to home for me as well. i can be out for a week with under 30 pounds and still have a blast. i miss sacramento


NewDayRising - Jun 10, 2007 4:27 am - Hasn't voted

reducing weight

you made some good suggestions on reducing pack weight. im sure this article was not meant to be all encompassing, but you left out the major weight reduction techniques: reduce the weight of your 3 most heaviest items- your pack, sleeping bag, and shelter. all these items you can get down to 1lb each, by using an ultralight pack, down quilt, and tarp. In addition, finding multiple uses for the same item. a poncho tarp can be used as raingear and also a shelter. carry less water if there are abundant water sources, sleep in your clothes and carry a lighter sleeping bag/quilt, use trail runners instead of heavy hiking boots, homemade alcohol stove/cannister stove instead of white gas, customize your gear to fit you, many more techniques... backpackinglight is also a good site.

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