Bighorn Sheep Canyon - McIntyre Hills, CO  -----  Waving Optional!

Bighorn Sheep Canyon - McIntyre Hills, CO ----- Waving Optional!

Groover With an Interesting View - Hand Waving Optional! Our last night's campsite on the Arkansas River was probably our most public one also. It bordered Rt. 50 in Bighorn Sheep Canyon with the McIntyre Hills in the background. Most of our group set up tents behind large cottonwood trees that had fallen years before but the groover needed to be out near the river for liguid disposal and handwashing. Rafting etiquette suggests that if you are occupying the groover and choose to leave the door open you should wave to any rafts passing by. Same for truckers and cars who honk on Rt. 50!
on Jan 24, 2009 3:03 pm
Image ID: 483116


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