Black Mesa - The Great 48

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
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Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Jul 3, 2015
Activities Activities: Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Summer

Black Mesa (HP #12)

We arrived in Oklahoma after climbing the equivalent of Everest base camp to summit 5 times (you know, minus the whole oxygen thing, death zone and avy risk).  But hey, distance is distance and elevation is elevation and we were quite pumped to have the first high point on our record attempt to not have a gazillion feet of elevation gain.  Black Mesa has 700-800 feet of total gain.  We started walking around 2am by light of headlamp.  When we reached the top of the Mesa we realized two things:  First, the actual "highpoint" was over a mile down the mesa and second, there was a crazy lightning storm on the horizon.  So we ran.  We ran to the high point, took the video and ran back down the Mesa.  The monument at the top was cool, it told the exact distance in each direction to the next state.  Rock on, Oklahoma.


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