Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Location Lat/Lon: 39.28320°N / 111.12580°E
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Jul 7, 2010
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Summer


Holy smokes this is a doozy!! I recommend long pants, a long sleeved shirt, and a clear sunny day. The directions to the trailhead in "High In Utah" are perfect. Spoon Creek Road is labeled as FR 017 for your reference. We got caught in a lightning/hail storm on the way up and had to take cover in the pines for a little while. When you can smell the heat and see the electricity in the air it may be a sign to turn around and head down!! Park at the cattle guard and follow the drainage - staying on the North side. In 0.3 miles you will see a small meadow, then a cliff shortly after. I chose to stay to the north of the cliff rather than parallel the drainage from this point on. I found that the hiking was much easier near the large pinetrees, but keep on the watch for bear. We ran upon a very fresh scat pile that was almost still warm. Continue bushwacking your way to the clearing near the terrace at 0.78 miles. Choose a good path towards the rock slabs near the summit. 2.48 mile round-trip in roughly 3 hours.


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