End of summer Mont Blanc Chain with Aig. de Trélatête Tête Carrée & Dômes de Miage above Mont Crammont from E-SE

End of summer Mont Blanc Chain with Aig. de Trélatête Tête Carrée & Dômes de Miage above Mont Crammont from E-SE

September 23th, 2018

"Connection" Aiguille de Trélatête (left and above Aiguille de l'Aigle & Petit Mont Blanc) with Mont Blanc (Arête and Glacier du Brouillard), passing over the Tête Carrée & Dômes de Miage (3596m),  over in low the Mont Crammont (sunny).

In bottom to the right the Val Veny under the Brouillard & Frêney Glaciers with the Monzino Refuge in mid part.


on Oct 26, 2018 12:38 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 1025037


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