Gannett Peak in 3 days with mules

Gannett Peak in 3 days with mules

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Jul 13, 2016
Activities Activities: Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Summer

Conditions and weather on the western standard approach over Bonney Pass were perfect June 12-14. My 12 year old daughter and I climbed Gannett in 3 days by using a mule to pack our gear 14 miles in and out. Both my daughter and I are very strong, expereinced hikers (completed 46 of the state high peaks) and it was a long, brutal hike in 3 days. I highly recommend using a mule if you want to do Gannett in 3 days. Without a mule, it would be an ambitious 4 day trip and a very manageable 5 day trip. Took us 8 hours to hike from the parking lot to Titcom Basin where we set up our base camp between lower and upper Titcom lakes. Summit day was a 15 hour trek... be prepared for a LONG day! You have to climb the equivalent of three mountains in one day - up and down Bonney Pass twice and up and down Gannett Peak. Took us 8 hours to hike back out. Crampons, ice ax, helmets... the whole nine yards of glacier climbing gear is needed at this time of year. We climbed Mt. Rainier last year and this climb was definitely more challenging. Absolutely beautiful area!  


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