Greenwood-Boles, III, 5.8 Climber's Log

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Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Aug 23, 2012 12:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2012

Greenwood-Boles  Sucess!

With Tim (Sean's friend). Efficient day out (11 hrs+ car to car), despite lacking detailed or worthy beta. I am shocked at how little this route gets visited (descent had seen no traffic for at least a year if not several). One pitch was quite wet and we did observe bail gear on down from here (we cleaned it all up and re-positioned it on the descent raps). Perhaps parties get turned around at the drainage pitch. I had no worries leading it, even though it was basically vertical mud. Typical of the wild alpine climbing in the Canadian Rockies. Kafir on the other hand, had multiple wet, overhanging (5.10) pitches and we have had a decent dry spell this year. I can only imagine how few days it ever gets dry and when it does, you can assume its crack are filled with mud and dirt. The descent for these routes is actually quite straight forward if you follow my explanation. The "book of lies" might as well not even covered these routes, no more beta than he drummed up on them.

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