Hidden Lake Peaks

Hidden Lake Peaks

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking, Scenery, Panorama

Hidden Lake North Peak

Woke up at 4am to drive to Snohomish and meet another hiker who had contacted me on WTA to repeat the hike.  A little unnerving riding my motorcycle at 60 mph through dense fog...  At least I know my gear is secured for 60 mph winds.  We were able to drive 2 miles up Sibley Creek road and left the car at 8:30am.  We ran into two skiers who had camped on the trail and were getting ready to head up.

We took our time and reached the North peak at 2:30pm.  We couldn't have asked for better weather!

North Peak 360° Panorama
The visibility was incredible. I could even make out a hazy Mt. Rainier 116 miles to the south!

Old Man's Beard

Ridge to the South Peak
Heading from the Hidden Lake North Peak to the South Peak
Ridge Line Panorama
Snow conditions were perfect for snowshoeing.

Mt. Baker
Mt. Baker seen from Hidden Lake
Johannesburg and Glacier Peak
Got a nice sunburn in the 60 degree weather.
Hidden Lake South Peak
Crossing the bowl on the way to the lookout.

Hidden Lake South Peak

We got to the South peak around 4:30pm and met up with the skiers.  Around 6:30pm, we decided to make our way back down to the car.

Hidden Lake Lookout
We met two skiers who were staying the night in the lookout.
Still plenty of rime ice on the lookout.
It was at over 70 degrees inside the lookout.

Heading Home

We got to the treeline (around 5,500 ft.) at 8pm, just after the sun passed the horizon.  Hiking out with headlamps, we reached the car at 10:30pm after getting a little off track and having to use my GPS for navigation.  I finally got back to Seattle around 2am after being up for 22 hrs...  An awesome hike, I would highly recommend.  I hope to explore a lot more of the North Cascades this summer!

Sunset Over Hidden Lake South Peak
We couldn't resist staying to see the sunset.

Sunset HDR
Sunset just above the treeline on the hidden lake winter route.

Fading Light
Panorama as the sun just passed the horizon.


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