Little Black Mountain Climber's Log

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yadahzoemtn - Oct 18, 2023 5:22 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2023

Beautiful Fall Day  Sucess!

Scramble was fun once we figured it out! Michael and I attempted this in snowshoes in February of 2023 and turned around at the crux. Glad we turned and waited till now to complete the endeavor. Went over Avenue Twins on the way back.


Moogie737 - Oct 17, 2023 12:15 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2023

Avenues galore until they weren't  Sucess!

#1 12-22-2011 W/ZeeJay Fresh snow and a chilling wind. Nice views. First full day of winter. #2 10-18-23 W/Lana. 3+40 up. Gorgeous fall day. Avenues Twins on the way back.


samquandt - May 15, 2022 9:14 pm Date Climbed: May 13, 2022

Black Mountain  Sucess!

Fun scramble at the end!


kris247 - May 3, 2021 3:05 pm Date Climbed: Apr 3, 2021

Little Black Mountain  Sucess!

Took Winnie Dog.

Josh Behunin

Josh Behunin - Sep 1, 2020 9:06 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2020

Little black mountain With flowers  Sucess!

The wild Flowers, mainly the sunflowers were amazing the whole hike, saw 2 horny toads and virtually no people. The hike was pretty easy but better than I would have expected.

neotoma - Jun 19, 2020 11:18 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2020

Really fun climb!  Sucess!

Hiked to this from Avenues Twin Peaks, starting at the Terrace Hills Drive trailhead. I actually didn't know this mountain was there, but the view from Avenues Twin Peaks of the trail winding off and up Little Black Mountain was too tempting (I had a "Freedom of The Hills" moment...) Steep in parts but totally worth it, and the scrambling to get to the true summit was a super fun surprise. I dropped down a little on the scramble on the south side of the ridge (you can tell other folks have too, faint trail) and took a lower route on the way to the summit (coming at it from the other side) but on the way back I followed the ridge and the scrambling was great. On the way back the really fun climbing is going up instead of down, so I could get a better look at what I was up against. Next time I'll stick to the ridge both ways.

Only saw one other hiker on the way up from Avenues Twin Peaks, and one very perturbed rattlesnake. So many lizards! As the day got later on my way back more and more mountain bikers showed up on the trail between Avenues Twin Peaks and the trailhead.

1 hour to Avenues Twin Peaks, 1 hour from there to the false summit, another 35 minutes to true summit; a little faster on the way back; my round-trip time was 4.5 hours. I didn't know about the summit register mentioned in other climber's logs, so not sure if it was there. I definitely saw the tree with the space under it just past the marker on the false summit, if there's a log there it's well hidden.


harbor - May 13, 2017 11:51 pm Date Climbed: May 13, 2017

Cloudy hike

Hiked up from Terrace Hills Drive parking w/ 2 brothers Durka. The scrambling was fun at the end. We actually dropped off to the right of the ridge near the end and came up on the other side of the summit - we kept to the top of the ridge line on the way back. 4 hours 30 min or so from car to car.


edge - Mar 2, 2016 1:54 am Date Climbed: Feb 28, 2016

Torture with a view  Sucess!

I started early in the day, around 7AM, so I could do the Lookout Peak to Avenue Twin Peaks traverse. I made quick time up from Pinecrest up to Lookout Peak. The views were great and I was feeling good so I pressed onward to Little Black Mountain. During this time I assumed the snow would be hard enough to walk on top of so I only brought microspikes. This was a huge mistake. After 10AM the snow weakened and I ended up postholing up and down the infinite ridges of Black Mountain for 7 miles. This alone is enough to test one's true willpower and fortitude but unfortunately this was coupled with me only bringing two granola bars for the entire hike. Plenty of water, but only 2 bars. A foolish mistake that I don't usually make but here I was, out of food and 8 miles and 2000ft to left to gain. I did manage to make it down in 10 hours but the constant knee-deep uphill postholing and slippery snowy third class scrambling with only microspikes to aid me, wore my energy lower than I ever thought it could possibly go. This was not my longest hike, nor the hike with the most elevation gain, nor the hike with the worst weather, but I have to say, that without a doubt; this was by far the hardest hike I've ever done. There's just something about seeing that you have to go up and down six more times while already at rock bottom energy that really chips away at your sanity. Definitely an experience.


abrennalinerush - Sep 26, 2015 4:20 pm Date Climbed: Sep 26, 2015

Success!  Sucess!

Came up in the spring with a friend, but there was a recent dump, and snow along the summit ridge would have made bagging this one truly treacherous. (We stopped at a little ways past the register/false summit that day.) Finally went back up today and had a great time! Fun little scrambly bit near the end.


dstevenson0204 - Dec 16, 2013 7:19 pm Date Climbed: Dec 14, 2013

Educating Myself  Sucess!

Practiced slope angle readings to get an eye for dangerous slopes. Fun!


utahjimk - Sep 15, 2013 11:17 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2013

Blackout Ridge  Sucess!

As part of BlackOut Ridge route, WMC hike led by Stanley C. Dry Fork to Little Black Mt, and then ridge run to Lookout Peak and down to Affleck Park. 2 June 2024: another ascent, first from the Terrace Hills trailhead (WMC).


scgrant - Mar 29, 2013 6:01 pm Date Climbed: Nov 22, 2013

Little Black Mountain  Sucess!

11/22/2013 From Terrace Hills Drive.
3/29/2013 Started at the Terrace Hills Drive trailhead. Great hike with a very fun ridge section from the false summit to the true summit. Hit Avenue Twin Peaks on the way back down. I did this hike and Mount Wire in the same day, back to back. Made for a fun day of hiking in the foothills.

Ryan Borzea

Ryan Borzea - Nov 5, 2012 9:28 pm Date Climbed: Nov 4, 2012

Had a great time!  Sucess!

Hiked from Terrace Hills Drive. The thick pine trees and class 3 scrambling were a great treat on the final ridge to the summit!


voxnihili - Apr 22, 2012 11:41 pm Date Climbed: Apr 22, 2012

Fun hike  Sucess!

Beautiful day. Loved the little scramble section.


Mooner - Jan 6, 2012 7:47 pm

Up I Go

01/07/12 Had a blast making a run up Little Black and then hitting Twins after. Great day 1hr 38mins RT with 8.6 miles.


ZeeJay - Dec 22, 2011 10:38 pm Date Climbed: Dec 22, 2011

Slippery  Sucess!

12/22/2011 Started at Perrys Hollow and climbed Twin Peaks first, then Little Black Mt, and then all the way to the high point of Black Mountain. It wasn't bad until after Little Black Mt at which point we had to choose between knee deep snow or lots of brush. 13 miles RT and over 5000' of elevation gain.

The rocks on the scramble part were as slippery as they come with 2" of fresh snow on smooth rock.

5/1/2007 Found geocache near the summit.

AjaxHiker - Oct 24, 2011 12:23 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2007

Wahsatch Steeplechase  Sucess!

Climbed this multiple times during the race and during training. Fun scramble along the ridge! Thought I was prepared for the race but it totally kicked my a** b/c I was dumb and climbed Mt Hood & Mt Adams the weekend before. Worth it though!


aldocious - Sep 29, 2011 2:53 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2011

Fun summer hike  Sucess!

A lot of flowering vegetation and it's always fun to see wildlife. Horny Toads are pretty cool.


imontop - Jun 11, 2011 10:52 pm Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2011

Great Mountain!  Sucess!

Started from Bonneville TH on Tomahawk Drive. Passed west of the Ave. Twins, then all the way up to the true summit. Loved the ridge scramble the last 1/2 mile. Lot's of horny toads up there too.


runbyu1 - Nov 8, 2010 4:19 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2007

Wahsatch Steeplechase Race  Sucess!

I've summitted 4 times. Twice in the race (2006 as well) and twice training. On this day I rand 2:22 and broke the old course record but got beat by Carl Swenson who was just the better man on this day.

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