Miller Peak Climber's Log

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SierraSunrise85 - Sep 5, 2010 3:45 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2010

Via Montezuma Pass  Sucess!

Working out at Coronado NM and decided to bag Miller. Started from Montezuma Pass via the Crest trail, got up in a little over 1.5 hours, but it was hot. Up and back in 4 hours with time for a nice picnic on the summit. Only saw one other pair of hikers and a couple border patrol on the way back. Definitely one of the more trashed wilderness areas thanks to the UDA trash all over the mountain.


sbkelley - Jun 29, 2010 8:05 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2010

Miller Peak via Carr Peak Trail  Sucess!

Wonderful way to escape the heat...110 in the Valley that day, but nice down south and up high. Cruised to the top of Carr first, then enjoyed great views along the spine of the Huachucas. We came across a lone hiker near the Crest-Carr Trail junction - he said he'd encountered 8 illegals heading north directly towards us. Tanya and I must have made enough noise since we saw no sign of them. The cool, breezy summit of Miller offers some spectacular panoramic vistas. Back to the car at Ramsey Canyon CG in just over 5 hours.


Epica - Sep 21, 2009 11:25 pm Date Climbed: Dec 25, 1993

Christmas on Miller Peak!  Sucess!

My first Christmas in Arizona... and I spent it on top of Miller Peak!


oldadit - Aug 5, 2008 6:28 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 1996

Lead the way ...  Sucess!

Sarah and I hiked this peak from Montezuma Pass.
On the descent Sarah saw a rattler near the trail,
hopped up, and spun her wheels in the air.
After that I got to go first.


hans.schenk - Sep 26, 2007 10:29 pm

Via Montezuma Pass  Sucess!

Backpacked this with a buddy.

Dennis Poulin

Dennis Poulin - Nov 22, 2006 5:52 pm Date Climbed: Nov 14, 2006

Carr Mtn Trail  Sucess!

Cold on top with the wind blowing. Great hike though with fantastic views.


Dean - Nov 19, 2006 8:45 pm Date Climbed: Nov 14, 2006

Carr Canyon route  Sucess!

SP'er Dennis Poulin and I drove up the Carr Canyon road and slept in our vehicles at the Reef Campground. Parked at the Carr Peak TH and hiked up via the Carr Peak trail and linked into the Crest trail (103) that leads to Miller Peak. Lots of illegal's debris found as we got closer to the peak on a very windy but still nice day. Saw no illegals but it is sad that this really neat trail has this negative aspect. The views from the top of Miller are outstanding. I loved the hike. 12 miles with 3200 feet of elevation gain.


surgent - Oct 10, 2006 5:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2005

Hot day enlivened by the BP and some illegals!  Sucess!

My wife and I spent our second wedding anniversary in Sierra Vista with plans to hike Miller. We chose the Montezuma Trail from the south, and started up around 8 a.m. in warm weather. Once on the main ridge the weather just got plain hot, but some developing clouds occasionally occulded the sun. We met a couple scouts/agents/coyotes - whatever you want to call them. They were heading south - toward Mexico. I know enough Spanish to make simple conversation. We wanted no part of them and they no part of us, so after some 'buenas dias' we went on our own way. Later, while descending, we came upon two fully armed (and armored) BP agents searching for a 'party of 20'. We told them what we'd seen - three hours earlier. They chatted with us then hiked south, essentially giving us an armed sweep and escort off the mountain. We asked if we were in any danger and they said no, hikers are very safe - the crossers will go to any length to avoid meeting with hikers. However, leaving your car at the TH might be tempting - maybe. Use general caution here.

LandonQ - Nov 28, 2005 2:26 pm Date Climbed: Nov 25, 2005

Route Climbed: Montezuma Pass Date Climbed: 11-27-05  Sucess!

Chris and I summitted Miller Peak on 11-25-05. We had a great hiked despite the blustery wind conditions compiled with the mostly exposed trail going from Montezuma Pass. Miller was our second choice for a hike because the two trails up Mount Wrightson were both closed due to damage from an earlier forrest fire. Only saw two other people during the hike, a ranger and later a man with his dog (and beer) near the summit. No sight of illegal immigrants but lots of trash throughout. The landscape was incredible...high forests, scrubland with incredible views of the surrounding valleys including sightlines well into Mexico. It was great seeing Mount Wrightson, Mount Lemmon, and Baboquivari Peak from a new perspective. Would definitely recommend Miller Peak

Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Jun 4, 2005 12:26 am

Route Climbed: Crest Trail from Montezuma Pass Date Climbed: May 25, 2005  Sucess!

Duane and I hiked Miller Peak for our fifth Ultra-prominence peak in four days as part of our SW Ultra sweep of nine such peaks in nine days. We had been told by Tucson's Andy Martin that this trail is frequented by illegals, as it begins within a very short distance of the Mexican border. When we got high on the peak we indeed found much debris strewn under the trees in places. Then at the junction of the trail to the summit we encountered a group of illegals who had quickly attempted to hide when they heard us approaching. We headed on up the trail to the summit, and while there a border patrol helicopter appeared and began scouring the ridges and hillsides looking for the group. We weren't quite sure how to handle this situation, but on the theory that they would scatter and hide out alone, we headed back down to where the chopper was patrolling. At one point we made ourselves obvious so they would see who was with the car down at the trailhead, then continued on down the trail, taking quite a few photos of the chopper as it came near, until we were gone from the area. As we descended the record temperatures started to become very uncomfortable, but happily a thunderstorm was forming up on the peak, and the clouds soon blotted out the sun to make our journey much more comfortable. Enjoyable mountain.


PeakMule - May 9, 2005 12:28 pm

Route Climbed: Lutz Canyon Date Climbed: May 08 2005  Sucess!

Picked the Lutz Canyon trail by process of elimination: Montezuma Pass sees too much smuggling activity; Ramsey Vista requires you to drive up much of the elevation gain; and Miller Canyon just didn't look appealing on the topo map. That left Lutz Canyon. It's pretty good aerobic exercise if you hustle, and a nice, shady trail for much of the climb to the Crest Trail junction. I'll add Lutz as a route for the benefit of peakbaggers-on-a-schedule--it's just three hours up, two down, 9.4 miles roundtrip with 3765 feet of elevation change.


RedRoxx44 - Mar 1, 2005 6:37 am

Route Climbed: Crest Trail 103 Date Climbed: February 27 2005  Sucess!

From Montezuma Pass parking; 10.3 miles RT with about 3000 gain, 3000 loss on a well defined trail. Lots of use by illegal immigrants; this is not a good solo hike. Great weather, clouds, views, snow right at summit with no evidence of trail; followed old footprints to old fire lookout and peak register.

Lots of trash on trail.


belexes - Jan 23, 2005 8:22 pm

Route Climbed: Miller Canyon Date Climbed: Spring 1993  Sucess!

I summitted Miller with my Boy Scout troop, Troop 444 of Sierra Vista. I had a cold, so it was slow going. I was one of the last of the troop to reach the summit, where I took a short nap before heading down. I attempted Miller on November 2, 2004, but it was very windy up on the ridge and I wussed out before I got anywhere near the top.


streeyyr - Jan 22, 2005 11:06 pm Date Climbed: Nov 15, 1991

Miller Peak  Sucess!

A large and impressive Ultra-Prominent Peak.

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