Mount Adams Climber's Log

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Karl Helser

Karl Helser - Jun 30, 2006 12:23 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2006

South Spur  Sucess!

We were able to park at the Cold Springs CG. Hiked up to The Lunch Counter for a clear but windy bivy. Beautiful St. Helens sunset. Headed to the summit at 5:00am. 30 mph+ sustained winds at the false summit. Tagged the summit at 8:30am. Calm and sunny. Clear north, and hazy south. Clouds wrapped around the mountain by the time we got back to camp. All in all...Great Climb!


dervin - May 30, 2006 12:23 am Date Climbed: May 21, 2006

South spur  Sucess!

The road is covered in snow six miles from the trailhead. My brother, and I hiked to the lunch table Saturday, and summited Sunday the 21. We had rain going in, and out at lower elevations. This was the first time my we had been able to climb a mountain together in several years. Good Trip!


uap304 - Apr 4, 2006 7:19 pm Date Climbed: Sep 21, 2003

South Spur Up and Down  Sucess!

Beautiful weekend, perfect for a spontaneous trip to the top of this glorious and massive mountain. Of all the peaks in the area, I always liked Adams the best. Shrouded in the mystery of the surrounding hills, it seems afraid of the spotlight afforded its more prominent siblings... We arrived late Saturday at Cold Springs, and set out early for the Southern Spur with nothing but Gore-Tex and Vibram. Luckily for us, thanks to (what I remember as) an unseasonably warm day, glissading was sub-optimal anyway and we didn't miss our ice axes at all. Solitude is something one can rarely find on the popular Cascade routes, and it was no exception at the summit. One of these days someone has got to convert the summit shack into a bar and get the party started... Cloudless sky and endless views, what more can you ask for?


ericd - Mar 24, 2006 8:42 pm Date Climbed: May 31, 2004

S Spur  Sucess!

Solo climb, lazy start in the day, windy at night resting on the granite slabs, advise to stay on highway to get there quicker, and to do Beacon tower on the way back to Interstate 5 to stay awake!


DharmaBum1984 - Mar 11, 2006 10:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2005

quick and dirty late summer climb  Sucess!

Great 2-day solo hike up the standard route. Hot down low, with clear skies both days 60-80 mph wind on top... crampons crapped out down low on the snowfield, ended up hoofing up the loose rock most of the way up. Lots of dust, wind, beauty.


madmallard - Feb 25, 2006 6:38 pm Date Climbed: May 28, 2005

spring on the south spur  Sucess!

second attempt on this summit. a great solo climb in eight hours round trip. had two extra approach miles the weekend before. it's amazing what seven days of sun will do.

Snidely Whiplash

Snidely Whiplash - Feb 23, 2006 4:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 1986

Route Climbed: Mazama Glacier  Sucess!

A wonderful mountain. A very different volcano, on the dry side of the Cascades. Gives it a much different feel and character.


Oregon-Climber - Feb 11, 2006 12:46 am

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: Spring 2004  Sucess!

Another beuityful day on adams. Camped out on the LUnch Counter. Made an early summit bid. Clear sjys revealed Hood, Reineer and Sisters.


Oregon-Climber - Feb 11, 2006 12:45 am

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: Spring 2003`  Sucess!

This was the first mountain I eve summited. Ever since then I've been addicted to the high altitude and thin air!


Alpine72 - Feb 8, 2006 12:49 pm

Route Climbed: South Date Climbed: late summer 04  Sucess!

Soled this spur of the moment having drove down from B.C hoping to see St Helens erupt. Unfortunatley it did so the day before,and as I was driving home so missed it on either side of my visit.

Traipser - Feb 1, 2006 4:42 am

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: September 2003  Sucess!

This was my first big solo climb. My crew did it a week earlier and after hearing their stories, I just had to make the trek myself. I was the only one to summit that day. Visibility was really bad. It was a hard last two hours but worth it to stand on top!


cascadetraveler - Jan 20, 2006 10:01 pm

Route Climbed: south spur. Date Climbed: july 10th 2004.  Sucess!

What an awsome mountain! We withstood a stormy night and began are climb at 1:00 am under a star studded sky. We climbed up the crescent glacier to the lunch counter. We Set wands as we wanted to be prepared for the worst. The worst never came. The climb up suksdorf ridge went perfect. The walk across the caldera to the summit was longer than I anticipated and the summit was colder than a witches Tit ! It was one of the most crisp clear views I have ever enjoyed. Mt rainer was majestic and beckoning, as well as mount hood to the south. I look forward to a return trip soon. I did glissade down the entire suks dorf ridge. WHoaa!


Koohnavard - Jan 16, 2006 12:19 pm

Route Climbed: South Side Date Climbed: June 1994  Sucess!

My buddy Scott and I did this the weekend we graduated from High School. Awesome! Can't think of a better way to celebrate graduation.


e-doc - Dec 31, 2005 1:07 am Date Climbed: Jun 20, 2004

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: June 20, 2004  Sucess!

Another big hill. Camped on Crescent glacier. Fourth (of six) straight day of outstanding weather. Summitted Hood June 18, St Helens June 22. Its amazing, what takes 2 hours to hike up (south spur) takes considerably less time and effort to go down.

setrent - Dec 21, 2005 10:58 pm

Route Climbed: Adams Glacier Date Climbed: June, 2003  Sucess!

An interesting route on a big mountian.


glimmert - Dec 20, 2005 11:20 am

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: 7/?/1983  Sucess!

Fun first summit and a great day!


B-Grooms - Nov 21, 2005 1:05 am

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: July 7

July 7th, clear beautiful day. Headed up with two other guys and camped out at 9,000 feet, got up at 4:30AM on the 8th to summit, but was turned back due to high winds and storm cell moving in. Tried to wait out the storm for 2 hours but conditions became worse so we headed back.


mandrake - Oct 31, 2005 7:42 pm

Route Climbed: South Side Date Climbed: June 26, 2003  Sucess!

Camped up to the west of the Crescent Glacier -- gorgeous climb and great glissading.


yunaitedo - Oct 31, 2005 2:52 pm

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: Sept 18-19, 2005  Sucess!

This was my first big summit on a snow covered peak. Awesome!

Seth Maciejowski

Seth Maciejowski - Oct 14, 2005 5:00 pm

Route Climbed: South Spur Date Climbed: July 2002  Sucess!

A very fun climb up the south side. I rode a snowboard down it was a rush! The views of Rainier were amazing from up there. It seems so close.

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