The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher


The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher
Manufacturer Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Page By LV Hiker
Page Type May 10, 2007 / May 10, 2007
Object ID 3148
Hits 1069

Product Description

The following is from the inside jacket cover.....

He is the Pied Piper of walkers. He has enchanted and informed hundreds of thousands of readers with his immense knowledge, his curmudgeonly wit, his unique style and his strongly conservationist views. Through books like The Complete Walker, The Man Who Walked Through Time and The Thousand-Mile Summer, Colin Fletcher has earned his great reputation as a celebrator of the natural world - ever vigilant against the plundering of the planet.

Now, in his wonderful new book, Fletcher tells about some of the profoundest pleasures that nature has brought him over the years. He shares with us what he is always looking for: the silence of the forests and mountains and deserts, where the hours and the days are his own, where he can leave the noisy twentieth century behind, where he can delight in the ageless harmony around him. He shows how the very rhythem of walking can carry the body effortlessly over the miles; how country walking gives him the ability to stand back and see the world in new and rewarding ways; how escapes to secret places can help heal for us as they do for him what have been called the three ailments of our man-made world - absence of beauty, the lost connection with nature and the lack of time. He tells of his own constant search for answers to the everyday mysteries of the earth and explains how - waling in the wilderness - his mind can reach out beyond the confines of the merely human world.

His new book is a special treasure for his legions of devoted readers - and for newcomers, a splendid introduction to America's most famous and inspiring walker.


This is a hard cover book
268 pages
Copyright 1989
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LV Hiker - May 15, 2007 2:19 am - Hasn't voted

A decent read
This book was a little slow for my taste but I kept at it till the end. I'm usually the kind to put a book away if it doesn't grab my interest early on. But there was something about his descriptive writing style that kept me reading.

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