Peacemaker Climber's Log

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Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Feb 15, 2022 2:13 pm Date Climbed: Feb 15, 2022

Peacemaker  Sucess!

I climbed over a 100 multipitch climbs in Cochise before I ever got on what has to be the most popular route in the Stronghold. The local guide has the ratings of each pitch all over the place and calls each pitch 5.10a. I lead all of the pitches and that it is not far off. A sustained route but no real single crux. The start off the ground is polished to the first bolt, but I have climbed worse. The first four pitches all had something going on. There were several tiny roofs to pull on positive features along with several corners to climb as well. Slab and edging would offer the crux moves. Delicate sequences at times. Makes sense to combine the last two pitches. I took 4 off set cams and used them maybe 4 times. 13 draws.

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