Pikes Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 241-260 of 406

mountainloverCO - May 25, 2007 1:35 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 2006

Long day  Sucess!

Took old Barr Trail all the way up and down. Made for a very long day. Summit was jampacked with tourists, most of whom were amazed at the hikers coming up from Barr Trail. Summit views were disappointing compared to those of the other 14ers. Probably my least favorite 14er hike thus far. I will definitely check out the Crags Route if I attempt Pikes in the future.


Mots010 - May 21, 2007 5:41 pm Date Climbed: May 19, 2007

Crags Route  Sucess!

After some route finding issues 3 weeks prior, came back armed with GPS Waypoints. Started at Crags trailhead at 6am. Summited at 10am. Stayed on summit for 30 minutes and had a 3 hour hike back down. Arrived at car around 130pm. Still lots of snow up there.


jwproulx - May 14, 2007 8:19 pm Date Climbed: May 12, 2007

Y not?  Sucess!

Barr Trail -- overnight at Barr Camp -- Y couloir left branch -- joined another skier for the descent of Y -- and back down to Manitou. Fun, hard, beautiful, long, and incredibly rewarding.


shanrickv - May 4, 2007 7:10 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2007

A Grand Traverse  Sucess!

Started below the Crags TH, summited, then down to the Barr Camp for the night. Had the honor of climbing with my usual partners, Alan and Robert. We had our snowshoes on for ~ 75% of the route. Great, but extremely long day. My third summit of Pikes.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Apr 19, 2007 7:38 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2000

Never tire of this mountain  Sucess!

I look at this mountain nearly every day and still feel humbled by it's stature.


alpinewalker - Apr 11, 2007 11:35 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2004

Route Climbed: Barr Trail  Sucess!

My first 14er. Started at midnight and made the summit before noon. Had a bad experience though, while finishing the 16 golden stairs a few kids who had rode up with their parents were throwing rocks at us. Needless to say I had a few words with their parents. Otherwise a great hike, I'd like to come back in the winter

Vic Hanson

Vic Hanson - Apr 1, 2007 1:16 am Date Climbed: Mar 11, 2006

Barr Trail, to A-Frame

We got a late start so didn't expect to summit but wanted to see how far we could get. We turned around just past the A-Frame cabin because of the heavy snowfall and we couldn't follow the trail due to all the fresh snow.

Matt Worster

Matt Worster - Mar 19, 2007 2:11 pm Date Climbed: Mar 17, 2007

thank you snowshoes  Sucess!

Crags route. Solid on the ascent, hip deep postholes in the slush, even while wearing snowshoes, on the descent. It could have been so much worse without them! Beautiful day, but a long one for my early-season fitness level. Parked at Mennonite Camp, no vehicle was going past the first turn-out 1/4 mile above that. Hot cocoa at the top was a plus :-)


snowhiker - Feb 28, 2007 4:25 pm

Home town peak  Sucess!

I have done Pikes Peak 6 times so far 2 from Barr trail. The first time i spent the night at barr camp where you can get dinner and more for just a few $$$. I've hiked the whole Barr trail up and back but that is a very long day if you are going to hike Barr trail in one trip it's best to start about 3 or 4 am. And the rest from the Crags camp ground. most were summer hikes. Sierratrekkin (rob) and i did it nov. 05 damm that was a windy day 60 plus winds.


tacoturner - Feb 20, 2007 4:42 pm

First 14er  Sucess!

It's difficult not to feel snooty when you get to the top under your own power and there's fat car-tourists in their air-conditioned fast-food bubble.

Greg Iafeliece

Greg Iafeliece - Feb 18, 2007 12:13 am Date Climbed: Feb 6, 2007

Ditto to Brad  Sucess!

Climbes with Brad below.

Brad Snider

Brad Snider - Feb 7, 2007 4:26 am Date Climbed: Feb 6, 2007

From Crags CG  Sucess!

Climbed with sudnstop from 14ers.com. Great day, some post-holing and had to make route longer due to snow conditions. Sunny & beautiful.


weeds19 - Jan 19, 2007 3:30 am Date Climbed: Jun 18, 1997

First 14er  Sucess!

Three friends and I had a brief respite from work and decided to hike Pikes Peak. We started at the Crags campground and slowly made our way up the mountain. It was a long day made a little shorter by the ride we hitched down to Devils Playground. I don't like the idea of a road to the top of the mtn, but I do like the idea of buying gatorade there!


mountaindan - Nov 10, 2006 9:24 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2005

Barr Trail  Sucess!

Beautiful trail, I loved stopping in at Barr camp. Does it count if my wife picked me up at the top?
Happy 15th Aniversary!


winterfae - Oct 24, 2006 2:07 am Date Climbed: Jun 4, 2006

Crags trail  Sucess!

Was my first 14er as well as firsts for my 2 hiking partners. The crags trail isn't as long as others, but was a good intro to the steepness of many 14er trails. Definitely had to pace myself but was rewarded by the view at top. Mixed feelings about the top. Am thankful that summits can be accessible to all, but the commercialism is a killer.


conan5351 - Sep 23, 2006 4:01 pm

From Crags  Sucess!

The climb was a long one. We only saw a few people climbing up that day, but hundreds more on top.


swm88er - Sep 19, 2006 9:58 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2006

Commercialized  Sucess!

Pikes Peak isn’t a bad hike for being so close to Colorado Springs. Lots of people on the trail, a road to the summit, and a train make the hike a little less than peaceful. None the less Pikes Peak is a classic. The name 16 Golden Stairs (a stair is a set of two switchbacks) deceives you into thinking your almost done.


bjd5578 - Sep 14, 2006 3:47 am Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2004

From the Crags  Sucess!

I grew up in Colorado Springs in the shadow of this bohemeth - once I started climbing 14ers, I knew I had to tackle this one. We decided to climb from the Crags instead of Barr Trail (since it was more feasible for a day hike).

Despite having driven up this peak dozens of times and taken the cog railway more than once, hiking it was delightful. Plus, name any other 14er that you can buy donuts (and a coffee mug) at the top?

cdickinson - Sep 11, 2006 4:43 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2006

Barr trail  Sucess!

Climbed with the other 400+ who climbed today - perfect day


cftbq - Sep 3, 2006 5:09 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2006

above the clouds  Sucess!

My 3rd time up this peak, I led my wife, daughter, and grandson, who had not previously done it, via the Crags route. We spent most of the day in unbroken sunshine, looking down on a cloud deck which blanketed Colo. Spgs., as well as the lowlands south, west, and north.

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