The Journey Comments

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kyledod - Jul 20, 2006 2:11 am - Voted 10/10


An excellent idea for an album. Many of my favorite memories come from something along the way or coming back from a summit (whether achieved or not). Sometimes trying to achieve a summit can enhance this, like many great sunrises I have seen due to early starts.

Michael Hoyt

Michael Hoyt - Jul 20, 2006 3:33 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Excellent

Thanks for the comment - and the great picture. Where did you take it?


kyledod - Jul 20, 2006 2:22 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Excellent

The picture is on the way to Lolo Peak, shortly before Carlton Lake. The day after the late September storms cleared (a Sunday) last year I went up to hopefully see the larches changing color with fresh snow on the ground and was not disappointed.


igneouscarl - Aug 1, 2006 6:26 am - Voted 10/10

Nice idea

Good idea and already a nice collection of pics.

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