

Trebevic mountain which is located southeast of Sarajevo, with the highest point of 1,629 meters and builds on Mount Jahorina. Trebevic the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina may seem unique capital of the world, because in just an hour and a half walk can climb from the city center to the top of the mountain. Some altitude points provide an excellent view of the surroundings . These are all reasons that Trebevic weekends visiting today, according to some estimates, between 3-5000 hikers.

Trebevic, is an oasis of peace and greenery which makes a significant tourist and recreational center, both in summer and in winter. How has significant flora, Trebevic is considered the lungs of the city of Sarajevo.

In 1948. Below the peak Trebevich formed a university botanical garden “Alpinetum” Forestry Faculty in Sarajevo. Garden occupied area of 14 hectares within which were cultivated relict and endemic species, and represented a genuine floral lab. The specific relief, climate and substrate so that there can encounter different types of plant life, occasional characteristic for this area . Trees wild apples, pears, hazelnuts and cherries are rare, so hikers often return home full of fist. Also, a large number of mountain, medicinal plants is often a main stay visitors.

Senad Rizvanovic
on Mar 5, 2018 7:07 am
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 1016174


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