Unnamed Peak 6430m

Unnamed Peak 6430m

Unnamed Peak 6430m (NW Face) altitude 6430m (6419m / 6402m on other map sources), 27°51'34" 86°53'44"E Peak 6430m is sometimes referred as "Pema Dablam" or "Tsiringma", although I don't know where these names come from. The altitude of 6238m sometimes given for Tsiringma is certainly wrong, with the true altitude being above 6400m. I don't have any specific information whether Peak 6430m has been climbed, and would appreciate any information to this regard. Peak 6430m has a prominence of approx. 300m, it is located on the ridge connecting Ama Dablam (its patent mountain) with Baruntse. Its slightly lower neighbour, Ombigaichen, is located 1.5km further SW. Peak 6430m NW face, has impressive fluting, see here for a close-up of the face. A panorama of Ombigaichen and Peak 6430m can be found here. Shot location:27°54'10.98"N 86°52'4.45"E, alt. 4711m, looking S-SE (Solukhumbu District – Nepal – 8 April 2011)
on Sep 24, 2011 4:38 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 748609


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