Upper Bighorn Sheep Canyon - Colorado

Upper Bighorn Sheep Canyon - Colorado

Packing up to leave Vallie Bridge Campground - McIntyre Hills Each morning we helped pack the two rafts rafts which carried our gear: the "pig raft" (no idea where that name came from :) and the raft the kids rode in. This particular morning was full of anticipation: Parkdale section in the morning and the Royal Gorge in the afternoon. The guides had been building us up to running the Gorge all week and though we knew we were definitely ready we each were facing the unknown; most groups do NOT raft the gorge. Shortly after this shot, we set off for one of the top 3 rafting days of my life!!!
on Jan 23, 2009 9:40 pm
Image Type(s): Scenery,  Water
Image ID: 482920


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