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Wondering if I'm getting the votes for me or the scenery. And no women votes yet. One can live in hope.
on Sep 3, 2009 5:33 pm
Image ID: 549132


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RayMondo - Sep 8, 2009 4:21 pm - Hasn't voted

No Road is Too Long

25km climb. At the half-way. Second big ascent to come.


RayMondo - Sep 28, 2009 3:18 pm - Hasn't voted

It's Campo Imperatore - Apennines, Italy

Campo Imperatore (Emporor's Camp) This ride must rate as one of the greats. Riders from all over Italy come here. Man, it's a long haul. First a rising climb with hairpins, steep curves and long drags, then a fab Altiplano (this shot), then another long ascent, rising to more hairpins. Fab, Fab views over Italy from here. And you get to eat great pasta. Then a trek / climb up the Cresta to Corno Grande summit. This place is out of this world! Then back down on the bike at 55mph - wow. Then did it again same day and no one believed me!

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