Signpost along the Durreck Höhenweg

Signpost along the Durreck Höhenweg

Having started my hike along the Durreck Höhenweg a few hundred meters lower, my map shows that there must be a junction around where I am right now. This signpost is a bit misleading, since it only shows two ways to go: I came from the Lobisa Schupfen and the only other way is towards the Schlafhäyser. So, why isn't there a sign for the trail to the Großer Moosstock?
The cairn
Looking closer, I soon found a fairly new but otherwise inconspicuous cairn. And it was at the start of a trail too - far smaller than the big one I had been following, but still recognizable - so I figured that that must be the marker for trail up the Großer Moosstock. 27 July 2014.
on Mar 24, 2015 12:08 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational
Image ID: 933507


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