west ridge

Page Type Page Type: Route
Additional Information Route Type: snow ridge
Additional Information Time Required: A few days
Additional Information Difficulty: 2+ nz
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to reach the west ridge go up the welcome hut track from the west coast 4 hours to the hut then. travel about 1 hour more up the vally until you get to scott creak go up scott creak traversing a waterfall on the true left then up to the basins
from there travel up the spur true right of the creak and traverse the takano neve and ascend to welcome pass

Route Description

From the Douglas neve it is a relatively straightford 500m glacier snow climb and is a common descent route

Essential Gear

all normal mountain gear see mt cook climbs for details

Miscellaneous Info

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Gfresh - Oct 21, 2008 10:57 pm - Hasn't voted

Mt Sefton

The climb you describe is Mt Sefton, which is in Mt Cook National Park, but definately not Mt Cook - in case anyone was wondering!

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