WINTER (2019) Monte Emilius Punta Rossa Pic Garin Range

WINTER (2019) Monte Emilius Punta Rossa Pic Garin Range

Punta Rossa dell'Emilius (Eastern Summit 3400 meters, Central 3395 meters about, Western Top 3401 meters) above Trident de Comboé & Punte del Lago Gelato (3113/5m); to the right or South Mont Valaisan (3307m) with Pic or Punta Garin (3451m) . In foreground from left to the right the watershead ridge from Segnale Sismonda (2334m) towards Pointe de Replan (2457m) January 20th, 2019
on Feb 15, 2019 12:15 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 1030050


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