Blackmore Approach - NE Face

Blackmore Approach - NE Face

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 45.42713°N / 111.01444°W
Additional Information Route Type: Hiking, Scrambling, Skiing
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Time Required: One to two days
Additional Information Difficulty: Long strenuous hike or ski
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: Class 3
Sign the Climber's Log


Blackmore approach to NE Face, 6 miles+.

This route was verified August 17th, 2010.

This hike and ascent could be done in one long day, but camping in the bowl below the Blackmore/Elephant saddle could make a more relaxing outing. Better yet, camp in the absolutely incredible bowl that is the headwaters of the east fork of Cottonwood Creek and Canyon (south side of Blackmore/Elephant saddle; base of climb).

Topos: Fridley Quad for approach, mountain on Mount Blackmore Quad

Getting There

Please see Blackmore Trail Approach from Hyalite Canyon on Alex Lowe Peak homepage.

Route Description

Read the accurate route for Mt. Blackmore; upon reaching the saddle between Elephant and Blackmore (4 or so miles)
Alex Lowe Peak from the NELooking SW at Alex Lowe Peak from Blackmore/Elephant Saddle.
, descend over into the east fork of the Cottonwood drainage (as of August ’10 a forest service trail sign identifying Cottonwood Canyon was still in a cairn at the saddle). We chose to leave the trail about 4 switchbacks down (there is no hiker's trail from here on out); efficiently bushwhack around the bowl to avoid losing too much elevation. Many game (goat) trails help accomplish this. They are intermittent, but easy to connect. The goal is to reach the low angle NE facing slope of A.L. Peak. Skirting around mid-way through the bowl also allows you to avoid the boggy terrain of the bottom. Work up to the summit ridge fairly close to the summit and scramble the rest of the way. Pick through the talus and boulders to the actual summit (east summit). This seems to be the most low angle option.
NE Face Proposed RouteProposed Route up NE Face
Be forewarned, all of the peaks in this group have pretty rotten rock. Winter and spring ascents may be done in different snow filled couloirs.

PLEASE treat the summit log with care and replace in the metal ammo box. Re-secure with a couple stones. You will find heartfelt entries and photos of Alex and his climbing partner Hans.

Essential Gear

Layered apparel appropriate to the season; food & water. The objective summer dangers are heat and thunderstorms. Those with week knees, there are a lot of steep descents, trekking poles may be helpful. For winter you will need avalanche safety gear and a backcountry skiing set-up.

External Links

For winter travel: Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center.



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