Cubilla-East ridge (normal)

Cubilla-East ridge (normal)

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 42.73485°N / 3.19496°W
Additional Information GPX File: Download GPX » View Route on Map
Additional Information Route Type: Hiking, Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-up
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: Class 4
Additional Information Grade: I
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The easier route is across the forest track that reach the col between Umión and Flor.

Getting There

See the main page to reach Cubilla.

Route Description

Talos Somos and UniónTalos Somos and Umión

You go to North of the village leaving in left side the signals of path BU-93 "Circo de Cubilla" continuing the track of right side (crossing a small fence). The track turn to right and you have two options. You must take the right side because the left side ends in a farm. The track reachs the wide col (1,095m) at S.W. of peak Flor. You turn to left walking near of the ridge until the point at you can turn to left newly. The summit is at the end of this nice rocky ridge and you must walk following a path among the stone always in right side of the edge. In the summit you have a few of mailbox and a big cross. The lanscape is very wide wathching 10 provinces and a lot of ranges.

The easier descent is across the same route but I show another alternative for mountaineers.

Descending across Talos Somos and West ridge
: is very interesting for mountaineers to follow the ridge to West. The path goes in the edge without difficulties but a little bit exposed if it's wet. You follow now the left side of the edge to reach the small but nice summit of Talos Somos (1,409m), the west summit of Humión. Behind Talos Somos you can find a wide col and you turn to left to descent without path the hilside to reach the forest. In the forest you must descent to find the track of the Cirque of Umión. Following the path BU-93 you return to Cubilla.

Essential Gear

Nothing special except water (you have a good fountain of water in the middle of the village)

In some days of winter it's possible that you can need crampons in cold days but generally the snow is in good conditions.

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