From Laloon Village

From Laloon Village

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 36.04060°N / 51.60080°E
Additional Information Route Type: Class II
Additional Information Time Required: A long day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-Up
Sign the Climber's Log


See "Getting There".

Route Description

This is a description of the route from Laloon Village to the summit of Peak 3962 m. All distances are per my GPS.


Laloon………...2400 m…………..Zero
Stream Split…..2700 m…………..3.2 Km
Saddle………...3870 m…………..3.4 Km
Peak……….…..3962 m…………..1.2 Km

Total…………………..….…………7.8 Km

In Laloon Village (2400 m), head north up the main street on the east side of the stream. A bridge will soon take you to the west (left) side. Hike up the trail through the dense growth of bushes above the village until you reach the Varzab Narrows. The narrows does not present any particular challenges. The trail follows the stream through the narrows.

Above the narrows, keep following the trail until you reach a major split in the stream (2700 m). The bigger branch heads west and goes toward Kholeno Peak. Turn northeast and follow the trail by the smaller branch to reach a little plateau at around 3050 m. You might lose the trail here but the 3870 m saddle between Peak 3979 m and Varzab #1 (4036 m) will be in good view.

Follow any path up the slopes to reach the 3870 m saddle. The slopes will be mild at first and will be covered by pretty flowers but as you go higher, the vegetation goes away and you will encounter nothing but steep/loose scree. You will find a seasonal pond at the saddle.

At the 3870 m saddle, you can turn east and go up the slopes to reach Peak 3979 m or Peak 3962 m. A 3850 m saddle separates Peak 3962 m from Peak 3952 m.

Peak 3952 m and Peak 3905 m are rocky and continuing the ridge-top to these peaks will require Class III scrambling.

Essential Gear

In summer, nothing more than good hiking boots.

Miscellaneous Info

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