Looking up Toursit Creek from Tree Forks Park

Looking up Toursit Creek from Tree Forks Park

Almost as soon as you enter 3 Forks Park look for this gnarly creek tumbling down - Tourist Creek. Cross Green River. There is a log across river just North of Park. Or jump in and cross, you may need to cross 2 tributaries if South a bit. Stay tight to East bank of river until u pass 'rock pile' on East bank. A log over River will help cross far tributary at this point. Then angle up South and East through trees heading to rock slide on South of Tourist Creek, tough down fall in here, good luck. Once out of trees, stay south of Tourist Creek in rock and head up into valley. Steep rock hopping for about 1.5 mi. Continue past 2 ponds on Tourist - good 1st night camp if u got early start, otherwise camp at Green River crossing. Past the ponds, up a strech of large rock, it levels out a again, leave Tourist and bear south (right) up small valley, still rock hopping but some game trail, up to lake that feeds small stream u are following. Heard this called 'Snook' lake after Snook Moore, tough Rancher/outfitterwho lived in Upper Green Valley.(We called it 'Diamond' lake-another story). Continue S along this lake to where you drop into Wells Creek valley. Good view of Gannett and Glaciers at this point.
on Sep 24, 2013 12:25 am
Image ID: 868975


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