Climbing Anchors


Climbing Anchors
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Climbing Anchors
Manufacturer John Long & Bob Gaines (Falcon)
Page By
Page Type Mar 28, 2010 / Mar 28, 2010
Object ID 6982
Hits 2627

Product Details

Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Falcon; 2nd edition (September 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0762723262
ISBN-13: 978-0762723263
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 6 x 0.4 inches


The comprehensive guide to anchoring systems for rock climbers.

(From the Back Cover)

Climbing Anchors provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand information on how to place protection and construct secure anchors to safeguard your life. John Long, the author of the definitive instructional manual How to Rock Climb!, applies the same clear, concise, and entertaining prose to this updated edition, illustrated with more than 100 photos by professional climbing guide and instructor Bob Gaines.
Learn how to place and configure solid, secure anchors in a variety of real world climbing situations and see the pros and cons of many options. Natural anchors, passive chocks, mechanical chocks, fixed gear, knots, belay anchors, toprope anchors, and rappel anchors are all discussed in detail.

And, for the first time, the crucial dynamics of equalization and fall forces are thoroughly investigated, including an analysis of rigging systems. Tests conducted specifically for this book detail the true performance parameters of the cordelette, sliding X, and equalette, as opposed to the “traditional wisdom” that guided choices in the past—and was often wrong.
Based on the authors’ combined years of experience, Climbing Anchors provides all the essential knowledge needed for climbers to create safe, simple, and efficient rock climbing anchoring systems.

John Long is the author of the best-selling How to Rock Climb!, the world's foremost book of climbing instruction, now in its fourth edition.

Bob Gaines is an American Mountain Guides Association Certified Rock Climbing Guide and the owner/director of an AMGA-accredited rock climbing school based at Joshua Tree National Park, California.


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