Close Calls: Climbing Mishaps & Near-Death Experiences


Close Calls: Climbing Mishaps & Near-Death Experiences
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Close Calls: Climbing Mishaps & Near-Death Experiences
Manufacturer John Long (Falcon)
Page By Augie Medina
Page Type Jul 24, 2007 / Jun 2, 2015
Object ID 3566
Hits 5939

Product Description

Renowned climber John Long presents 68 stories of climbers whose mishaps could have resulted in the proverbial “dirt nap” but who lived to tell their tales. The author takes the basic fact narrative of each incident and recounts it with a generous humorous overtone. But apart from entertainment value, Long also analyzes what caused the problem and comments on how the situation could have been prevented. So there is a great deal of instructional information that emerges out of these stories.

These stories will refresh the climber how easy it is to let your guard down. But even the non-climber will enjoy this book for the combination of the drama of the close call and the hilarity injected by the author’s story-telling style.

Product Details

Price: $12.95
Paperback: 170 pages with illustrations
Author: John Long
Publisher: Falcon
Year of Publication: 1999
Language: English
ISBN: 1-56044-762-1



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Augie Medina - Jul 24, 2007 7:56 pm - Voted 5/5

Funny and Instructive
This little volume is a combination of seriousness and great humor. Although recounting near-death experiences, Long’s style will have you laughing out loud in many places. One thing that comes through loud and clear is that you can never be too careful when engaged in an activity like climbing, whether it’s big walls or single-pitch routes. As Long illustrates, even elite climbers make basic mistakes sometimes.

Long’s “Commentary” and “Prevention” sections which come with each chapter contain information ranging from basic common sense (climbing and drug or alcohol use is a bad combination; don’t climb a big wall with someone who has never climbed before) to more technically useful information (avoiding common mistakes in rappelling or in anchor building). The cartoon illustrations really add luster to the humorous undertone of this book.

lisae - Oct 3, 2007 9:55 pm - Voted 5/5

I enjoyed reading
this book! Long is a great story teller and Tami Knight's cartoons are always funny.

silversummit - Jan 13, 2009 10:34 pm - Voted 5/5

Short and sweet
This is one of the several mountain type books I bought from Book Closeouts without an idea of what kind of read it would be. Turns out that by about the fourth short story I was chuckling and enjoying the ironic words of wisdom. The old climbing lingo came back to me and I found myself wanting more by the last page!

There is probably an example in this book of almost every obvious mistake that can be made along with a couple of really unbelievable things. I especially enjoyed "Violet" who managed to get her elbow jammed in a crack and just after her partner headed for help she remembered that she could use lip balm to carry out a self rescue. Lots of humor, sound advice and even a few vocabulary words to remind you of your SAT study days.

stepho - Aug 14, 2009 10:12 pm - Voted 5/5

got it a library recently
lots of the stories are both funny and educational.

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