Skin Protection Products

Skin Protection Products
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Skin Protection Products
Page By Vic Hanson
Created/Edited Feb 13, 2008 / Mar 11, 2008
Object ID 4753
Hits 7141
Page Score 0%

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Category Description

What do you use to protect your skin when on a wilderness adventure? Or to provide relief and healing when you didn't protect it properly?

The reason for adding this category came about the other day when I returned from a longer than expected bike/hike with a sunburn. I had put sunscreen on my arms and legs before starting, but didn't think to add any on the hiking portion, where I took my shirt off while hiking along a river. I thought of it too late when I saw the red skin when I got home, which required the use of another product, after burn lotion. There are also products to prevent poison oak, some to use before and some right after contact. Mosquito repellent is another one I just thought of, I also had a couple of bites the other day.

If you can think of any more useful products, please add them.
